Tech giant Vivo has launched the Vivo V40 Series of smartphones in the country today. The series includes two devices- Vivo V40 and Vivo V40 Pro 5G. Alongside the smartphones, the brand has also announced a new TWS Buds expanding its audio lineup. Vivo Buds 3e has gone official in the country with deepX 3.0 Sound Effects, ANC, and more smart features. The newly launched buds fall in the category of TWS below 2000.
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Vivo Buds 3e: Price & Availability
Vivo Buds 3e TWS is priced at Rs. 1899 and comes in Bright White and Dark Indigo hues. The buds will retail from today itself via Flipkart and Vivo India eShop.
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Vivo Buds 3e: Features
Vivo Buds 3e comes inside the case and has a sleek and rounded design for comfort. The buds are ergonomically shaped and come with ear tips for all sizes. It supports Active Noise Cancellation up to 30dB and reduces external noise by up to 73%. The TWS is equipped with 11mm dynamic drivers made of cashmere biofiber and boasts a 42-hour battery life with the case. Buds themselves claim a battery life of 10.5 hours on a single charge (ANC off). 10-minute charge offers a playback time of up to three hours.
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The Vivo Buds 3e comes with DeepX 3.0 sound effects. This includes super bass-boosted sound for powerful bass, enhanced vocals for clearer voice, and enhanced trebles for cleaner, more vibrant music. There is an 88ms low latency mode for gaming along with Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. Smart features include dual-device connection, and Google Fast Pair. Google Assistant, Wear Detection, Find My Earphones, and more. The buds are IP54-rated for water and dust resistance.
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