Anime, a term that originated in Japan, refers to the art of animation and encompasses a wide range of genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. In recent years, anime has gained significant popularity in India, thanks to the emergence of various Hindi-dubbed series and movies. These adaptations have found their own fan following among Hindi audiences as well.
Anime’s popularity has experienced a notable increase in recent years in India. This surge can be attributed in part to the rise of streaming platforms like Netflix and Crunchyroll, which make anime content more accessible. Additionally, the growing recognition of anime culture in India is owed to the thriving community fostered by anime conventions and social media groups. It’s important to note that anime is more than just entertainment, as the stories it tells are culturally distinct. This allows the medium to introduce Indian audiences, especially through dubbing, to Japanese customs, beliefs, and philosophy. Crunchyroll & Netflix offers options for both Hindi dubs and subs for various anime.
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1. Jujutsu Kaisen
Story- A young boy ingests a cursed talisman, specifically a demon’s finger, and subsequently finds himself under a curse. To rid himself of this affliction, he enrolls in a shamanic academy with the goal of tracking down the remaining body parts of the demon and ultimately performing an exorcism.
- Cast- Junya Enoki, Yuma Uchida, & others
- Episodes- 48
- Seasons-2
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Netflix India
- IMDb Rating- 8.6
2. Naruto
Story- Naruto Uzumaki, a spirited young ninja with a penchant for mischief, faces challenges in his quest for acknowledgment while aspiring to become the Hokage, the most powerful ninja and leader of his village.
- Cast- Junko Takeuchi, Maile Flanagan & others
- Episodes-220
- Seasons-9
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Netflix India
- IMDb Rating- 8.4
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3. My Dress Up Darling
Story- The introverted individual and the well-liked student at the educational institution discover shared interests, leading to the realization of their cosplay aspirations.
- Cast- Hina Suguta, Shoya Ishige & others
- Episodes- 12
- Seasons-1
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Crunchyroll
- IMDb Rating- 8
4. The Apothecary Diaries
Story- A youthful woman is abducted and traded into slavery at the emperor’s residence, where she discreetly utilizes her expertise as a pharmacist with the assistance of the chief eunuch to solve medical enigmas within the royal court.
- Cast- Aoi Yuki, Takeo Otsuka, & others
- Episodes-25
- Seasons-1
- Runtime-23 minutes
- Streaming on-Crunchy roll
- IMDb Rating- 8.6
5. Spy x Family
Story- A spy undertaking a covert operation enters into matrimony and takes on the role of a parent as part of his disguise. His spouse and child harbor their own hidden truths, and the trio must work together to maintain their facade.
- Cast- Takuya Eguchi, Atsumi Tanezaki & others
- Episodes- 38
- Seasons-2
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Jio Cinema
- IMDb Rating- 8.3
6. Buddy Daddies
Story- A parenting journal featuring two assassin friends? Kazuki Kurusu and Rai Suwho, known for their impeccable track record of never allowing a target to escape, unexpectedly find themselves caring for a four-year-old girl named Miri.
- Cast- Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Koki Uchiyama, & others
- Episodes-13
- Seasons-1
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Crunchy Roll
- IMDb Rating- 7.9
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7. Delicious in Dungeon
Story- Laios, along with his companions Marcille and Chilchuk, venture into an infinite dungeon to locate his deceased sister, battling against monsters, hunger, and decay.
- Cast- Kentaro Kumagai, Sayaka Senbongi & others
- Episodes-24
- Seasons-1
- Runtime-26 minutes
- Streaming on-Netflix India
- IMDb Rating- 8
8. My Hero Academia
Story- An aspiring superhero enthusiast enrolls in a prestigious hero training school and gains a deeper understanding of heroism after receiving his own powers from the most powerful superhero.
- Cast- Daiki Yamashita, Justin Briner & others
- Episodes-158
- Seasons-7
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on- Netflix and Crunchy roll
- IMDb Rating- 8.3
9. Code Geass
Story- An outcast prince, bestowed with an enigmatic ability to manipulate others, rises as the masked figurehead of a rebellion challenging a formidable empire.
- Cast- Jun Fukuyama, Takahiro Sakurai & others
- Episodes-54
- Seasons-2
- Runtime-24 minutes
- Streaming on-Crunchy roll
- IMDb Rating- 8.7
10. Lookism
Story- In a culture that prioritizes physical attractiveness, a high school misfit navigates a dual existence, alternating between two drastically different appearances.
- Cast- Sim Gyoo Hyeok, Han Shin & others
- Episodes-8
- Seasons-1
- Runtime-25 minutes
- Streaming on-Netflix India
- IMDb Rating- 7.6
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