Meta and ONDC partnered to empower MSMEs in India

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Today, Meta and ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce) announced their partnership to assist small businesses in India. Both of these technology companies have collaboratively created a network where MSMEs will have access to a digital platform to grow their businesses and can seamlessly connect with buyers using WhatsApp.

Sellers and buyers can easily connect with each other on WhatsApp through ONDC’s sellers and buyers app. Meta will provide support to ONDC’s WhatsApp chatbot, Sahayak, serving as a unified point where sellers and buyers can communicate seamlessly.

This collaboration is expected to be of great assistance to buyers and sellers who operate from a distance apart. The company has also announced that Meta, along with business and technical solution providers, will educate small businesses on how to connect and fully utilize this network.

Meta Small Business Academy aims to upskill 5 lakh small businesses in the next two years. Launched in June 2023, this academy offers free certification programs for small businesses and startups.

Sandhya Devanathan, Vice President of Meta in India, said on this partnership, “Our partnership with ONDC builds on supporting the government’s vision for digital public infrastructure (DPI) and furthering our ongoing commitment to skilling small businesses and aiding this rapid digital transformation and growth story in the country.”

Pooja ChaudharyPooja Chaudhary
Pooja has been covering technology and gadgets for more than 5 years. Most of her work has been centred around smartphones and smartphone apps, but she occasionally likes to dabble with content on people and relationships. She is also a bit of a TV junkie and is often trying to make time to catch up with her favourite shows and classic movies.

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