Apart from JioGigaFiber launch announcement, Jio Phone 2 also set the eyeballs rolling at the Reliance AGM earlier today. After the tremendous success of first-generation Jio Phone, which apparently was the first 4G and VoLTE-enabled phone in the country, Mukesh Ambani announced the JioPhone 2 which will support with Whatsapp, Youtube, and Facebook apps.
Original JioPhone vs JioPhone 2: What’s New?
Well, not much has changed under the hood but from the outside, the JioPohne 2 looks more sturdy. The new revamped design also includes a full QWERTY keypad for comfortable texting on social media apps. The JioPhone 2 also comes with support for horizontal video viewing which missing in the original JioPhone. Apart from these two, both phones are almost identical.
The JioPhone 2 features a 2.4-inch display, 512MB of RAM and 4GB of onboard storage, along with support for microSD card up to 128GB. Like the previous generation, the JioPhone 2 is also powered by KaiOS which is preloaded with Jio’s own virtual assistant. It is also worth mentioning here that Google and Jio both have recently invested $22Million and $7millions respectively in this feature phone OS.
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The phone also comes pre-loaded with social media apps that include WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube.
The phone also dons a 2MP rear snapper and a VGA selfie camera. The phone supports include 4G LTE, VoLTE, VoWiFi, dual-SIM slots, Bluetooth LE, GPS, and NFC. The JioPhone 2 draws juice from a 2,000mAh battery.
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JioPhone 2 Price, Exchange Offers
The JioPhone 2 to retail for Rs 2,999. It will go on sale across channels starting August 15th. Mukesh Ambani also announced a JioPhone 2 exchange offer where people with first-generation JioPhone can swap it with new JioPhone 2 by paying just Rs 501. The JioPhone 2 exchange program starts from July 21st.