After going to and fro for a while, WhatsApp has finally added Google Drive support for WhatsApp. Since WhatsApp is the most popular and reliable chat messenger today, this new feature is worth looking into for all classes of users.
Why this is helpful?
Earlier, while switching between phones, you had to manually carry the WhatsApp folder to the new handset, if you wanted to keep the backup. Now you can back up all your data to the cloud and simply relax.
When you download WhatsApp to a new phone, It will first scan local storage for a backup folder, then it will automatically check Google Drive linked with signed in account and prompt for your permission to restore all data.
Here is how you should proceed
Step 1: Download the latest version (Version 2.12.306) of WhatsApp from the Official webpage.
Step 2: Copy the APK file from your PC to Phone, anyway you like.
Step 3: Now open any file manager and tap on it (make sure to uncheck box in front of unknown sources in settings>> security first)
Step 4: Once you have installed the latest WhatsApp, it will prompt you to set frequency of backup to Google Drive. You can also head to Settings>> Chat>> Chat Backup to toggle other options like “Include Videos” and “Back up over WiFi”
So that’s it. You are done. If side-loading WhatsApp APK feels like too much work, you can of course wait for the update to rollout via play store.