Qualcomm Snapdragon 712 chipset has been announced and it became the second chipset to feature in SD700-series. The mobile platform is built on power-efficient 10 nm process. The new SoC would be an upgrade to the popular Snapdragon 710. The top-rung player in Mobile Processing claims its new chipset offers great battery life, mobile photography, and better connectivity.
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Snapdragon 712 vs Snapdragon 710: What’s the difference?
The Snapdragon 712 SoC has an edge over Snapdragon 710 in terms of performance (at least theory and benchmarks). The major difference is the faster CPU’s eight Kryo 360 cores clocked at 2.3 GHz compared to the former’s 2.2 GHz clock speed. This improvement is expected to boost performance, making it better equipped for gaming and beyond.
The 712 also brings Quick Charge 4+ instead of Quick Charge 4. This new technology could offer enhanced speed, efficiency, and safety.
Qualcomm’s new chipset is also likely to better your Bluetooth audio experience, thanks to the TrueWireless Stereo Plus and Broadcast Audio technologies.
ALSO READ: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 vs Snapdragon 845- What’s Different?
Apart from the aforementioned differences, Qualcomm keeps rest of the specs unaltered. The Snapdragon 712 shares the Adreno 616 GPU and the Hexagon 685 DSP, as well as most of the other specs with the 710 Soc. The story continues with the Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X15 modem. This supports LTE Cat.15 downlink and Cat.13 uplink, reaching peak speeds of 800 Mbps and 150 Mbps, respectively. The Camera Department is compatible up to 20 MP dual camera or 32 MP single shooter with the same Spectra 250 ISP.
Qualcomm Snapdragon Spces
Chipset | Snapdragon 712 | Snapdragon 710 |
Process | 10 nm FinFET | 10 nm FinFET |
CPU | 8x Qualcomm Kryo 360 CPU @ 2.3GHz | 8x Qualcomm Kryo 360 CPU @ 2.2GHz |
GPU | Qualcomm Adreno 616 | Qualcomm Adreno 616 |
Photo | Up to 20 MP dual camera Up to 32 MP single camera |
Up to 20 MP dual camera Up to 32 MP single camera |
Modem | Snapdragon X15 LTE Cat.15 / Cat.13 800 Mbps DL / 150 Mbps UL |
Snapdragon X15 LTE Cat.15 / Cat.13 800 Mbps DL / 150 Mbps UL |
Fast charging | Quick Charge 4+ | Quick Charge 4 |