Xiaomi has now ventured into smartwatch business with the launch of its Amazfit smartwatch. For this much-anticipated smart watch, Xiaomi has partnered with Huami which is the same company that manufactures Mi-Band. The new smart wearable is priced at CNY 799 which roughly translate to Rs. 8100 in India currency. As of now, it will retail only in China starting August 31, 2016.
The Xiaomi Amazfit features a 1.43-inch round display which has a 300×300 pixel resolution. Under the hood, it is powered by a 1.2GHz chipset along with 512MB RAM. It comes with 4GB of internal storage and a 28nm GPS sensor.
The smartwatch has a ceramic bezel and is IP67 certified which means it is resistant to dust and water. Xioami has placed a heart rate sensor at the back which can continuously track your heart beats.
The Amazfit comes with an easily user replaceable 22mm straps. It comes with a 200mAh rechargeable battery which can easily last up to 5 days on a single charge. However, in GPS on mode, the battery backup is stumbles down to 30 hours.
Xiaomi has partnered with Alibaba to offer mobile payment support for the AliPay service. It will be compatible with all the Android devices which have MiFit app running on them.