Towards the end of last year, we reported that WhatsApp will be adding a digital payment option to its platform. After a couple of months of testing, WhatsApp has rolled out its payment service ‘WhatsApp Pay’ to general users. All you have to do is update your WhatsApp to the latest build and you will have the feature.
The payment option seems to appear under the attachment menu inside the WhatsApp chat page. However, the feature largely remains inoperative as of now. As reported it only shows the list of banks and also the bank account that can be linked, but you cannot add your account.
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How to add bank accounts for WhatsApp Payments
Facebook-owned WhatsApp has activated its payment service for some users. If you can’t wait for public roll-out and is eager to try it out by yourself, simply find someone who has an activated WhatsApp payment account. Ask them to send the invite or funds to your number and you too can have messaging app’s latest feature.
In order to use WhatsApp payment feature, all you have to do is link your bank account to the messaging app. To do so:
Step 1: Open your WhatsApp and tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen. Select Payment option from the list. It will redirect you to the page that will verify your phone number to begin the UPI setup process.
*Note: The registered mobile number on WhatsApp should be the same as one linked on the account.
Step 3: Once your number is verified, you will be given a list of banks that you can add to make payment. Select your preferred bank and feed in the necessary details. That’s it you are all set to send and receive payment.
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How to send money via WhatsApp Payments
To make payment using WhatsApp payment feature, Go to the Chat page of the contact you want to send money > Tap on the Attachment Icon > There you will find the new Payment thumbnail alongside gallery, video, and other options.
Select the Payment thumbnail, it will redirect to a screen where you just have to feed the amount and the personal identification number to make the payment. Click on send and your money is sent.
Having said that, it was noted that for successful transaction both the sender and receiver have to register themselves with WhatsApp Payment option.
WhatsApp ‘Pay’
The payment feature inside the instant-messaging service is being dubbed as WhatsApp Pay. It allows users to pay to their WhatsApp contact via UPI (Unified Payments Interface) linked directly to your bank account without leaving the app.
Once the feature is enabled for everyone to use, WhatsApp will be at the helm of the digital payment service. No other payment apps in India has as many users as WhatsApp as of now. On an average, the Facebook-owned service has 1.5 billion daily active users.
Vidoe Tutorial Guide of WhatsApp Payment Feature:
Last Updated: April 9, 2018
30 Latest WhatsApp Hidden Features, Tips, and Tricks To Know In 2019
Though making payment by a mobile number is not a new phenomenon, but integrating it with an active digital messaging app holds a lot of potential. If it is able to jump all the potential hurdles, whatsapp payment service is likely to herald a new age of digital payments disruption in India.