Ahead of the Pixel 9 launch in August 2024, a promotional video of the series is doing rounds on the internet. The video, which has been leaked by OnLeaks (in collaboration with Android Headline), showcases all the new AI features that the Pixel 9 series will debut with. In the very first shot, the video reveals, or rather confirms, the pill-shaped camera module design on the smartphone, with an LED flash and a temperature sensor in the same housing.
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The Video Showcases Ask Gemini And Pixel Screenshots
As the video proceeds, we get to see several AI-based features for the Pixel 9 series, the first of which is a photo-driver search on the AI chatbot Gemini. In the video, a user takes a picture of the vegetables in his refrigerator and asks Gemini about the possible recipes he can make with them. Next up, the promotional video showcases the Pixel Screenshots feature. We’ve mentioned this feature in our article about What Google AI is and when it could arrive.
However, just to summarize, Pixel Screenshots is a feature that uses machine learning to process details from screenshots and creates a searchable library out of it. This way, users can search through a database of their screenshots and get the required information, such as a contact number, the bill amount, or any other tiny detail that might be hidden on a screen within seconds. Since the feature entails providing access to screenshots and on-device processing, users will get an option to enable/disable it.
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We Also Get A Glimpse Of Super Res Zoom On The Pixel 9 Pro
About 28 seconds into the promotional video, Google flaunts the “Pro-level camera” on the Pixel 9 series. We get to see features like Super Res Zoom, which utilizes both hardware and software to bring the subject closer, and Add Me, which seems to superimpose two images on one another to add more people. Interestingly, Google teases two Pro models, which, if true, would be the first for the Pixel series.
Last but not least, the promo reinforces the seven years of promised software upgrades Pixel phones get. While it’s unclear whether the showcased features will be available on the Pixel 9 and the Pixel 9 Pro, most of them should arrive on both variants.
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