As absurd as that may sound, Snapdeal will exclusively sell Maggi, a well renowned instant noodle brand, online and you will have to go through flash sale rigmarole, i.e. Register- push your way through online stampede – buy. Registrations are already open and Maggi and sales start on 12th November.
Now, we knew before the onset of 2015 that this shall be the year of Flash sales (Thanks to Xiaomi), where all smartphone OEMs will retail limited stocks at competitive prices exclusively in online space. This provided for ample media coverage and help companies save on marketing and logistic costs, benefits which are ultimately passed on to consumers in the form of competitive pricing. But, flash sale concept was solely reserved for smartphones till now.
Maggi, the bestselling 2-minute Noodles are making a comeback after a long hiatus and regulatory sanctions and that is perhaps good news for bachelors and teenagers. You can register for a special ‘welcome back Maggi kit’ starting today and purchase the 12 piece pack for 144 INR on 12th November 2015. Are you excited about Maggi’s return? Will you register and buy from this Flash sale? Share your views with us in the comment section below.