Apple has launched the new iOS 18.1 beta, Apple Intelligence – set of features for iPhones that includes call recording and transcription. This new feature helps the users to easily record relevant talks for later reference by hitting the record button available in the upper left corner of gadget screen during the talking. An audible tone will be played for everyone on the call stating that the call is now being recorded. Real-time transcription allows for translation in eight languages including English, Spanish, French, German Japanese Mandarin, Cantonese, and Portuguese thus making it more reachable to a larger population.
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Apple Intelligence also records calls and in case of a discussion, it makes summaries of the most important points made. This makes user to have more time to work through other things since they do not have to play the entire conversation to get to the parts they are interested in, as well as making it easier for them to review and refer back to aspects of the conversation that are important to them without having to go through the entire recording again. This feature can be relevant for people that have to take notes during meetings or interviews with almost stenography level of details.
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Phone app also gets a few changes focused on enhancing usability of the application. Call history search makes prior call search simpler; auto-complete phone number allows you to fill in the number yourself as you are typing it. Also, for the users having more than single SIM, the Dialing has been made more flexible in the sense, now switching over from one SIM to other during the call has become easier for those who use both their personal and official numbers in the same handset.
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Moreover, to the Phone application, Apple is going to expand such audio and transcription features to the Notes application in the iPhone 12 and onwards. This means that one can directly record audio and get live transcription within the Notes app finally bringing note taking and information management a notch higher. Actually, this integration is therefore evidence of Apple’s intentions to provide new ways to apply these actual devices. Overall, the iOS 18.1 beta brings call recording and transcription; other improvements also increase the usefulness of iPhones. These features allow the users to easily control and overview their chats, be it private or business, which is in tune with Apple’s reputation of providing its clients with unique and handy technologies.
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