HTC had recently struck the market at MWC 2015 in Barcelona, with HTC One M9, a high end smartphone as a rival to the simultaneously revealed Samsung Galaxy S6. HTC One M9 is a 4G LTE enabled device powered by a Snapdragon 810, quad-core processor and has 3 GB RAM. HTC had another lineage of smartphone which took some serious amount of user attention and turned to be an extraordinary device. I’m talking of the HTC Butterfly. As the rumors have it, we might soon have the revolutionary HTC Butterfly 3 fly among us.
HTC Butterfly 3 had been rumored to come into existence in the last month, and the vibes have it, this could be really a show stealer. HTC Butterfly can be expected to strike as a serious competition against flagship devices. The device is said to be the first ever device to contain a Quad HD display, a quality which is not incorporated even by the most hi-tech release of flagship saga, One M9.
HTC Butterfly 3 launch is expected to kick off the ground zero in Japan for initials. The HTC Butterfly 3 launch date is expected to land somewhere around in the month of April or May. The handset will be available in white, blue, and red, while that 1440 QHD screen will stretch for 5.2 inches across the front panel. Though there are no specifics yet about the price and features, but you can surely keep your expectations high.