Flash Player for Android is no longer available for download from the Google Play app store, but Android users can still download and install Flash Player. Convenient for watching TV on your phone or playing those addictive online games, Flash was an application that set Androids apart from the rival iPhone. Check out the below steps :
How to install flash player on android – 3 Step Process:
1. The first step is that you have to download the apk file from xda developers site.
Download from here: http://d-h.st/o1I
2. Then install the apk file and then you have to find a browser which is compatible with Adobe flash player.
Recommended Browsers:
- Dolphin browser.
- Dolphin Beta.
3. The third step is to enable Adobe flash player in your browser. Just go to Dolphin browser and open settings then just enable Dolphin jet pack and after that go to Web Content and just keep Adobe flash always on.
Now that’s it the installation process is over and you will be able to play videos directly from Facebook or other sites. This is the add on which is requested by the website.
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