With Android 10, Google has added Dual SIM Dual Standby support on Pixel 3a phones. Google Pixel phones have essentially been single SIM phones. With the Android Q Beta, Google leveraged the eSIM on Pixel 3 and 3XL phones and added Dual SIM Dual Standby support to these phones. The privilege was later revoked in subsequent Beta versions, only to be bestowed back with the new Android 10.
The Dual-SIM support will, however, work only for the mid-range Pixel 3a and Pixel 3a XL, and only for supported carriers. Google’s Support page details steps you need to follow to avail Dual SIM Dual Standby functionality.
Also Read: Google Pixel 3a Review – Fabulous experience
How to enable Dual SIM dual Standby Support to Pixel 3a and Pixel 3a XL
- Insert the first SIM in the SIM tray
First, eject the SIM tray and set-up your physical SIM as you would on any other phone.
- Open ‘Network & Internet’
Now go to the second settings menu and select the ‘Network and Internet’ option
- Add Mobile Network
Now tap on ‘Add+’ and select ‘Don’t have a SIM card?’ and Next.
- Use 2 Numbers
On the next screen that asks for confirmation to use 2 numbers, tap on ‘continue’ option. Next tap Restart.
- Select call preferences
When your phone restarts, open ‘Network and Internet’ as in Step 2, and select Mobile network. You will now see dual SIM networks. You can tap on any network to select call and text preferences.
Also Read: What is Dual SIM Dual VoLTE – Everything You Need To Know
Activate Dual SIM Support on Pixel Phones
Even when Pixel 3 phones also have e-SIM support, the Dual SIM functionality has been added only for Pixel 3a phones as of now. There are good chances that upcoming Pixel 4 phones will have similar dual SIM support as well.