Elon Musk has confirmed X (formerly known as Twitter) will release “two new tiers of X” subscriptions. Most recently, the microblogging platform considered releasing a “Not A Bot” subscription for $1 a year. However, this subscription didn’t include any additional features. Instead, it’s a basic charge of using the platform’s interactive features like commenting on tweets, reposting them, etc. Now, Musk has announced his plans to release two new X Premium subscriptions.
X To Get A Lower Cost Subscription With Ads
Elon Musk wrote in his tweet he is planning to launch two new tiers of X Premium subscriptions. The lower-cost tier will offer all the features. However, it won’t reduce the amount of advertisements users have to see.
The other tier, however, would be more expensive. It will include all the basic features, and on top of that, it won’t show any advertisements. This is yet another attempt to boost the platform’s revenue by charging users who have become habitual.
Although the billionaire did not mention the details of the lower and higher tier subscriptions, X recently tested a $1 subscription plan in the Philippines and New Zealand simply to access the platform. Musk believes this will help reduce the number of bot accounts on X.
Once this subscription is released globally, those who opt out can only read others’ tweets and watch videos on the app, which, in theory, should be able to reduce bot activity on X. The cost of the higher tier subscription, however, remains unknown.
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