Apple’s Vision Pro is among the most promising mixed-reality headsets ever. In the limited footage that the company showed, the headset seems to create a perfect blend of the physical world around a user and the virtual elements with the help of visionOS. However, the showcase mostly contained Apple’s apps and services, making users slightly skeptical about using other apps. That changed on November 14, 2023, when Telegram teased its visionOS app.
Pavel Durov Teases Telegram For visionOS
In a short video, Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov teases how the app could look on Apple’s visionOS, the operating system that powers the Vision Pro mixed-reality headset. It shows the app screen with Telegram in the center and other Apple services such as App Store, Mail, Message, Notes, Music, etc.
The next thing the teaser shows is how the messaging interface would look. As seen in the video, visionOS will put a translucent Telegram interface on top of the video feed with users’ surroundings, with the inbox on the left and the current chat on the right.
Telegram’s Translucent Windows Look Great
Telegram’s other menus, like profile, calls, and settings, should be available at a vertical bar outside the main translucent window, toward the left. The video also shows how users can view photos and videos on Telegram by dimming the surrounding passthrough using the Digital Crown on the Vision Pro.
Other features include full-screen animations, status updates, and voice typing. Moreover, the app looks great on visionOS, especially since it seems to have utilized Vision Pro’s capabilities, such as limiting passthrough.
However, readers should remember that this is just the first preview of how Telegram may look on visionOS, and there’s a good chance that the app will make some changes in the future. Nevertheless, Apple is planning to reveal the Vivion Pro early in 2024. Although it will initially arrive in the United States, there’s no word on when the device could debut in other markets, including India.
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