Shortly after launching the Galaxy On7 2016 in China, Samsung will launch the Galaxy On8 in India, exclusively on Flipkart, possibly during the upcoming Big Billion Days sale.
The dedicated page for the upcoming sale lists Samsung Galaxy On 8 under “special thanks to our partners” section.
Flipkart has also been teasing an upcoming phone with #TheNextON and #OnlyOnFlipkart for some time now, and putting two and two together, it safe to assume that the Galaxy On8 will soon arrive on Flipkart.
Also Reader: Samsung Galaxy On7 2016 with Snapdragon 625 SoC & 3GB RAM Launched
A dedicated page for the upcoming phone also lists that the new phone will have a Full HD Super AMOLED display, 3GB RAM and a copious battery power.
If we had to guess, we would say that there are good chances that a fingerprint sensor will also make the cut, since the latest crop of affordable phones from the south Korean giant – Galaxy J7 Prime, Galaxy J5 Prime, Galaxy On7 prime – all have one.
That’s all that we know or can freely speculate about the handset as of now. However, since Flipkart’s Big Billion Sales starts on October 3, we expect complete details to be out next week!