Tech giant Realme has confirmed the expansion of its Narzo Series in the country. The brand has announced the launch date of the Realme Narzo N61 smartphone which will come with unique features and ArmorShell Protection. The tagline for the Narzo N61 is ‘Built for the Unexpected’ which confirms how Realme is focusing on durability with this one.
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Realme Narzo N61: Launch Date
Realme will launch Narzo N61 on Wednesday, 29th July at 12 PM. The live streaming will be available on Realme’s social media channels.
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Realme Narzo N61: Details
Realme Narzo N61 will come with ArmorShell Protection which is a safeguarding technology protecting it against all sorts of harsh environments with ease. The smartphone also comes with a TUV Rheinland High-Reliability Certificate that is proof of its durability. It comes with 48-month fluency and an IP54 rating for being safe against dust and water splashes. Rainwater Smart Touch allows the device to perform without any hassles in rainy weather.
While any other details are yet to be unveiled, the Realme Narzo N61 will most likely be the rebranded version of the Realme C61 4G phone in the global market.
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Realme C61 4G global variant will come with a dual-lens setup at the back along with a 3.5mm headphone jack and USB Type-C port. It will come in Dark Green and Sparkling Gold shades. Specs are still shrouded in mystery.
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