Qualcomm, the company behind the popular Snapdragon 8 series processors that power the best Android flagships on the market, has announced a new naming scheme for its upcoming PC platform, called Snapdragon X. Taking the baton from the Snapdragon 8cx platform from 2018, the new chips will compete with Apple’s M silicon processors. The upcoming X-series chips will focus on delivering “next-level performance, AI, connectivity, and battery life.”
Snapdragon X: A Compact PC Platform With Advanced Generative AI Capabilities
The Snapdragon X series will come with an improved processing unit based on Qualcomm’s Oryon CPU, GPU, and NPU for improved on-device performance and enhanced generative AI capabilities. Further, the new PC processors should feature 5G connectivity, which will give them an edge if Apple doesn’t catch up by the time.
Snapdragon X Will Compete With Apple’s Silicon Processors
However, that is the extent of information available at the moment. Nonetheless, if Snapdragon X chips manage to match or improve upon Apple’s M series, it would be a giant leap for Windows devices, especially for lightweight entry devices that compete with the MacBook Air M1 or MacBook Air M2. Qualcomm plans to debut the X series of processors in 2024, which it believes will “be an inflection point for the PC industry.”
Qualcomm To Reveal More During Snapdragon Summit 2023
In an official press release, Qualcomm mentions that the “X” identifier distinguishes the PC platform from other Snapdragon products, such as the Snapdragon 6, 7, and 8 mobile chipsets. Further, the company believes that the “new logos and platform badges” will help bring the Snapdragon X series to life in new ways. Although the company hasn’t provided a launch timeline, it will reveal more details about the PC platform during the Snapdragon Summit that will kick off on October 24, 2023.
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