Today, Qualcomm announced its latest mid-range processor, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3. Based on the 4nm fabrication technology, the chipset features Kryo CPU cores that deliver nearly 20% better performance while being 45% efficient. Further, the chipset’s GPU delivers about 40% better performance than its predecessor, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 SoC. With features like on-device GenAI, enhanced gaming, 200MP photo, and 4K HDR video capture, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 poses to be one of the most capable chipsets in the segment.
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Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 Specifications And Key Features
With the chipset, manufacturers get support for FHD+ displays that support up to 144Hz refresh rate. Further, it also supports an external display of up to 4K resolution at 60Hz with 10-bit color depth and HDR10/HDR10+ formats. For audio, the chipset supports Qualcomm Aqstic audio codec, the smart speaker amplifier, and the company Audio and Voice Communication Suite.
The Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 features one prime core (up to 2.5GHz), three performance cores (up to 2.4GHz), and four efficiency cores (up to 1.8GHz). With the CPU, there’s an Adreno GPU that supports HDR gaming (10-bit color depth), OpenGL ES 3.2, OpenCL 2.0 FP, and Vulkan 1.3. As far as memory is concerned, the chipset supports up to 16GB of LPDDR5 memory (up to 3.2GHz) or LPDDR4X memory (up to 2.13GHz). Further, the processor features UFS 3.1 storage, which is essential for maintaining lower app loading times (as it provides a higher read/write speed).
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Connectivity options on the processor include mmWave and sub-6 GHz 5G with Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and a maximum download speed of up to 2.9 Gbps, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth v5.4, LE Audio, USB-C 3.1 port, GPS, Glonass, and triple-frequency GNSS (L1/L5/L2). For the AI-based features, the processor comes equipped with the Qualcomm Hexagon NPU with fused AI Accelerator Architecture, Hexagon Tensor Accelerator, and Qualcomm’s Sensing Hub.
Regarding optics, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 features a Qualcomm Spectra Image Signal Processor that supports up to 21MP triple camera at 30 fps, up to 31 + 21MP dual camera, and up to 64MP single camera at a similar frame rate, and with zero shutter lag. Further, the chipset is capable of up to “200MP photo capture.” The ISP supports a maximum resolution of 4K at 30 fps (HDR) for recording videos.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 3 Availability
The first company to ship a smartphone with the processor will be Xiaomi; it could launch the first Snapdragon 7s Gen 3-powered handset in September. Besides, popular brands like Realme and Samsung have already confirmed using the processor on a model.
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