Indian consumer electronics company Micromax has joined hands with Microsoft and chipset maker Intel under Digital India initiative to launch Canvas LapBook L1160 in the country. This Windows 10 OS based affordable laptop is priced at Rs. 10,499. Targeted at the youth, students and first-time laptop users, the new laptop will accelerate the PC adoption in the country. The Canvas Lapbook will be an Amazon exclusive from 4 May onwards.
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The ultra-SIM laptop features an 11.6-inch IPS display with running a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. It is powered by a Quad Core Intel Atom Processor (up to 1.83Ghz) coupled with 2GB of RAM. The laptop comes with 32GB of inbuilt storage and is packed with a 4100mAh battery. The device features an adequate number of on ports including 2 USB, 1 HDMI and an ethernet port.
Commenting on the launch Shubhajit Sen, chief marketing officer, Micromax Informatics Limited, said, “After successful launches of Canvas Laptab I, Laptab II and Canvas Lapbook, Micromax is ardently building its presence in the laptops category in India. With the new Lapbook L1160, Micromax aims to provide students, small-time business owners, on the move executives, an extremely convenient and efficient way to handle everyday computing tasks.”
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“This is yet another step from Micromax towards making ‘Digital India’ a reality by providing every Indian with an affordable, creative multimedia tool that will enable them to live, learn and work in an information-rich society,” he added.