Lenovo India’s official social media handles have been really active in past few days. They have been teasing #killernote for few days suggesting a new K Note smartphone is just around the corner. While we initially thought its K7 Note, but today Lenovo officially posted on Twitter that K-series will be skipping one digit and we shall have the K8 Note unveiled on August 9 (exploding Note 7 Phobia?).
Most of you did get it right! The #LenovoK8Note will #KillTheOrdinary & leave the rest behind! Ready to see it uncage on 09.08.17? Save it! pic.twitter.com/FKp1Nibknu
— Lenovo India (@Lenovo_in) July 28, 2017
Earlier in the day, Lenovo rolled out block the date media invites which features a GIF image with half image 8 and ‘New #KillerNote’ written just above the image. The invite also shows, what looks like Speaker mesh in the backdrop, that could point to powerful speakers – something that’s also been associated with the multimedia first K-series in the past.
Recently, an alleged K8 Note was also spotted on Geekbench highlighting all its features and specifications. According to the Geekbench listing, the upcoming smartphone is likely to boasts off a 1.39GHz deca-core MediaTek Helio X20 chipset coupled with 3GB RAM.
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The phone is said to be running on Android 7.1.1 Nougat out-of-the-box. The alleged Geekbench benchmark test result also listed online. The alleged K8 Note smartphone scored 1,659 and 4,844 single and multi cores respectively. The phone is likely to support dual SIM, 4G VoLTE, WIFI, fingerprint sensor and other common connectivity options.
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Information related to optics, battery size, and other details remain missing from the public domain as of now.