Indian smartphone manufacturer Lava has added X38 smartphone in their existing ‘X series’ folds. The phone is now officially listed on the official website for Rs. 7,399, whereas, on Flipkart, it is listed for Rs. 6,599. It will come in Blue and Grey colors.
The Lava X38 sports a 5-inch IPS display with 293ppi pixel density. At the heart of it features a 1GHz quad-core chipset coupled with 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage and 32GB of microSD card slot.
In the optics section, it features an 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash. On the front, it includes a 2-megapxiel front camera, also with a LED flash. Lava has packed a supersized 4000mAh removable battery which comes with an additional power saving mode.
In terms of connectivity options, The Lava X38 supports 4G with Voice over LTE networks, Wi-Fi, micro USB port, GPS, and OTG support.
Lava X38 Specifications And Features
Model | Lava X38 |
Display | 5-Inch, HD, LTPS IPS display |
Processor | 1-GHz Quad-Core Chipset |
RAM | 1GB |
Internal Storage | 8GB (expandable up to 32GB) |
Software | Android 6.0 Marshmallow |
Primary Camera | 8MP sensor, LED Flash |
Secondary Camera | 2MP Front-Facing Camera, LED Flash |
Battery | 4000 mAh |
Others | Dual SIM, 4G LTE, VoLTE, WiFi, GPS, FM Radio |
Price | 6,599 INR (best price) |