Huami has expanded its wearable portfolio in India with the all-new Amazfit GTR Titanium and GTR Glitter edition smartwatches. The Titanium model has a 47mm dial while the other one sports a 42mm dial. The watches come with 12 different sports modes like running, trail running, cycling, swimming, and mountaineering. Another highlight is their AMOLED crystals with Always-On technology.
Huami Amazfit GTR Titanium features
Starting with the Titanium variant, it has a 1.39-inch AMOLED panel which is shielded by Corning Gorilla Glass 3. It bears a slew of sensors like the BioTracker PPG sensor (for tracking the heart rate), sedentary reminders, sleep tracking, and exercise tracking.
It syncs with your smartwatch and will give real-time notifications of your phone alerts and reminders. It also gives a glimpse of current weather and if you’re out and about, the built-in compass might come handy. Amongst other things, you also get NFC, air pressure sensor and 24-hour battery life between charges.
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Huami Amazit GTR Glitter Edition features
This one flaunts a much more gaudy look and hence the name. It has a slightly smaller display, 1.2-inch to be precise. The Gorilla Glass 3 is on top of it. The repertoire includes real-time notification sync, the BioTracker PPG sensor, exercise, and sleep monitoring. On paper, the battery life is 12 days on a single charge.
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Amazit GTR Titanium and Glitter pricing and availability
Huami has priced the Amazfit GTR 47mm Titanium edition at Rs. 14,999, while the asking price for the Amazfit GTR 42mm Glitter Edition is Rs. 12,999. They are currently available on Flipkart.