Apple revealed the iPhone 15 series at the “Wonderlust” event. Soon after the Cupertino-based tech giant concluded the event, Apple refreshed the Indian website with local pricing and availability of the new iPhones. The vanilla iPhone 15 (128GB) starts at Rs. 79,900, while the iPhone 15 Pro (128GB) starts at Rs. 1,34,900. However, before customers spend such a hefty amount on the new phones, they are keen on knowing whether the new iPhones come with a physical SIM tray.
The iPhone 15 Provides Dual-SIM Connectivity, But There’s A Catch
Like the iPhone 14, the iPhone 15 supports one physical SIM card and an embedded SIM, or eSIM. Combined, they enable iPhone 15 buyers to use two phone numbers simultaneously, which is excellent news. So it doesn’t matter which iPhone 15 one gets; a user can set up two SIMs (one physical and one embedded) by contacting their network service provider. Most telecom companies in India, like Reliance Jio, Airtel, and VI, provide eSIM connectivity.
However, that is not the case with all iPhone 15 units. In the United States, the latest iPhones support only eSIM, just like the iPhone 14 models that shipped last year. Since the iPhones cost less in the United States, Indian customers often purchase international variants to save money. The global iPhone 15 units with support for two eSIMs should still be functional in India, provided the customer’s service provider allows conversion of physical SIM to eSIM.
It’s only in China where the company still provides two physical SIM card slots. In comparison, the popular Android phone manufacturer Samsung provides the option to use two physical SIM cards and one eSIM. However, even Samsung users can only enable two SIMs at a time.
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