Apple is all set to launch the iPhone 16 Series in September 2024. Alongside the iPhone 16 Series, iOS 18 will also roll out for Apple smartphones. A few days ago the brand rolled out iOS 18.1 for developer testing. Now the latest update is that iOS 18.1 will allow third-party NFC transactions. iPhone users will be able to use NFC contactless transactions via third-party applications and this is an extension of the feature earlier introduced in the European Union.
With the upcoming iOS18.1, developers will be able to make contactless NFC payments within their apps, instead of using Apple Pay and Apple Wallet. These new safe and secure APIs will support in-app transactions for in-store payments, car keys, corporate badges, student ID cards, home keys, hotel key cards, in-store payments, movie and event tickets, and more. Government IDs will also be available in the near future.
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The brand claims that the security and privacy of the users will not be compromised with this update. These NFC transactions will use a secure element, a chip made for secure data storage in addition to Apple’s proprietary technologies like Secure Enclave, biometric authentication, and Apple servers to protect user information.
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How It Will Work?
Users can start transactions by either launching the app directly or designating it as their default contactless application in the iOS settings. To finalize a transaction, users need to double-click the side button on their iPhone.
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The NFC and SE APIs will be available to developers in the UK, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, and the US with upcoming developer seed for iOS 18.1. More regions will be added soon.
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