Panasonic P55 has been launched with some amazing features. It has 5.5 inches screen with 1280 x 720p resolution with 267 ppi. It is ready to use with dual sim and supports 3G network and share data at fastest speed. Other good quality is that it has a good camera quality i.e 8 MP with flash and 2 MP is available for selfies which is satisfactory in this price range. You can take pictures in low light also. Panasonic P55 price in India is around Rs 8000 to Rs. 9000.
Panasonic P55 online buy which has 1 GB RAM and internal storage boost up to 4GB. It supports micro SD card upto 32 GB, but you cant move all the apps to the micro SD card. Battery backup is just 2500 mAh Li - Ion which is average, but at the end best thing is you can remove battery from the phone. People don't like phone with heavy weight, so its good for this point that it comes in 149 grams.
People who are crazy about large screen can buy Panasonic P5 online that would be best to play games and watch movies on HD IPS display. One can download thousands of user-friendly apps using Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system. Panasonic P55 specifications also contains 1.2 GHz quad-core processor which allows to run multiple apps without facing any hanging issue.
There are some other specifications which make Panasonic P55 better such as Bluetooth, USB, GPS, FM Radio, its light weight, 3.5 mm headphone jack, GPRS. Panasonic P55 is a low budget smartphone at lowest price and with satisfactory features. If you are looking to buy a best featured smartphone then you can compare price from different merchants such as flipkart, snapdeal, amazon etc.and buy this smartphone at lowest price.
- Affordable price
- Good camera quality
- Light weight
- Screen size is best to watch movies and to play games
- Internal memory is not that good
- Battery backup is average
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Dont see brandname just go for it
After Using 1 week... Pros: 1. Wonderful Display,Crisp and Clear,Viewing angle is awesome,color reproduction is more than expectation. 2. Camera Quality is very good(1of the key factor ),even in low light pics r quite sharp n good. 3. Battery backup is good enough. Cons:: 1.Only 1Gb ram could be at least 2 GB 2.Octacore processor missing
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