Google recently announced that Quick Share won’t be supported on Windows for ARM devices, including ARM-based laptops, PCs, and Copilot+ PCs, at least for the time being. This news might be disappointing for users of these devices, but there is a workaround shared by Mishaal Rahman that can help you use Quick Share on Windows ARM.
At the time of writing, Quick Share is designed for Windows x86 systems, but with the growing number of ARM-based Copilot+ PCs, it’s likely that Google will eventually provide native support. Until then, you can use Mishaal’s workaround as a temporary solution.
Before we get started, this is the error message that you’ll get if you try to install the x86 version of Quick Share on your ARM PC: ‘Update check error: update_client::ProtocolError::UPDATE_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND.’
Use Quick Share on Windows ARM
To use Quick Share on a Windows ARM device, you’ll first need access to a Windows x86 PC. Here’s what you do:
- On the Windows x86 PC, open File Explorer by pressing Windows + E.
- Navigate to This PC > Program Files > Google.
- Now, copy the Nearby Share or Quick Share folder.
- Transfer this folder to your Windows ARM PC.
- Now, ideally, you should paste it into the Program Files directory on the ARM device. You’ll need to grant administrative privileges for this.
- If you encounter any issues, you can alternatively paste the folder on your Desktop.
Once you’ve copied the folder:
- Open the folder on your Windows ARM device.
- Double-click on the nearby_share.exe file to run it.
- You should now be able to sign in and use Quick Share on your Windows ARM PC.
This method isn’t perfect and might have some issues like with signing in, but it allows you to use Quick Share until official support arrives. Hopefully, Google will release native support for Quick Share on Windows ARM devices soon.
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