Liked Instagram Reels or YouTube Stories? Well, the same feature is coming on Telegram after various social media platforms adopted it months and even years ago. To date, Telegram is immune to ‘Stories’ but today, the privacy-friendly instant messaging app has announced it can’t resist any further and thus, bringing ‘Telegram Stories’ onboard.
Telegram mentioned that ‘Stories’ are a heavily requested feature and in fact, half of the feedback and feature requests coming to Telegram are somehow related to stories. With that being said, users will soon be able to add ephemeral photos and videos on Telegram although expect some surprises in the box.
According to the reports, Telegram is rolling out Stories to outdo its competitors. It includes an ephemeral setting that lets you keep the memories accessible to others between 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, or as long as 48 hours. You can pin it to your profile and it will display permanently. Of course, it comes with privacy settings as well since it’s Telegram we are talking about and not just any random app. You can record videos using both front and rear cameras alike.
Moving further, Telegram will let you select the audience who can view your stories. You can select a few or ‘close friends; you can add captions to the stories with tags and links. Telegram will let you hide away stories of people you don’t want to stay updated about. Call in a much-needed ‘Stories’ feature with Telegram’s twist and you won’t be wrong, right?
Telegram Stories will be available starting early next month as per Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder.