Realme recently launched the Realme 13 Pro Number Series in India which includes two smartphones- Realme 13 Pro and Realme 13 Pro Plus. Now, it seems the brand intends to follow the lineup it announced last year, as the third member in the Realme 13 Series is being spotted on various certification websites. A new Realme device has been spotted on China’s TENAA certification platform that reveals images as well as some key specs of the device. Although it didn’t disclose the name, it is most likely expected to be Realme 13+. It will be the successor to Realme 12+ 5G.
The same Realme smartphone with model number RMX5002 has also received approval from Indonesia’s SDPPI platform which has confirmed the name to be Realme 13+. This indicates that RMX5002 seen on TENAA might be the Chinese version of Realme 13+ 5G. The smartphone has also been spotted on Geekbench, TUV Rheinland, and more revealing details about SoC and rapid charging.
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Realme 13+ spotted on Certification Platforms
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The pictures above show Realme 13+ on certification platforms like Indonesia’s SDPPI, India’s BIS, Europe’s EEC, and TUV Rheinland Japan.
The TUV listing claims that the device will pack a 4880mAh battery whose typical value might be 5000mAh. Realme 13+ might also ship with an 80W fast charger.
The Geekbench listing claims the Realme 13+ runs on a 2.5GHz MediaTek MT6678 chipset with Mali G615 MC2 GPU which means it will have MediaTek Dimensity 7300 SoC under the hood. The listing further confirms that it will have 6GB RAM and run Android 14 out of the box. It will score 1043 and 2925 points in single-core and multi-core tests respectively.
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Realme 13+: Expected Specs
The TENAA certification claims that the Realme 13+ will sport a 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with an embedded fingerprint sensor. At the front, it will get a 16MP selfie camera while at the back, there will be a 50MP main and 2MP secondary lens setup. There will be a microSD card slot and in China, it might ship with 6GB/8GB/12GB/16GB RAM along with 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB storage. The Realme 13+ will measure 161.7×74.7×7.6mm and weigh 185 grams.
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