A few days ago Realme confirmed the India launch of the Realme 13 5G Series that will include two smartphones- Realme 13 5G & Realme 13+ 5G. Now, finally, the launch date has been confirmed. The Realme 13 5G Series is coming to India on 29th August at 12 PM IST. It will include a smartphone that will be the first to be powered by Dimensity 7300 Energy SoC based on advanced 4nm process technology.
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Realme 13 5G Series: Expectations
As mentioned above, Realme 13 5G and Realme 13+ 5G will be the two smartphones that will be a part of the Realme 13 5G Series. The Realme 13+ 5G is expected to be the model that will be powered by MediaTek Dimensity 7030 chipset scoring 750k points in AnTuTu benchmarking test.
The company claims that the SoC will give a 30% more energy-efficient performance and will retail via Flipkart, Realme website, and offline stores. A teaser image was shared by Realme that shows the device in two hues- blue and brownish gold. There is a circular camera module at the back along with a 3.5mm audio jack, speaker vents, and a brushed design.
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Realme 13+ 5G was recently seen on CC, BIS, Geekbench, and other benchmarking platforms. The listing confirms that the device will have a 12.5MP camera with EIS support. It might pack a 5000mAh battery. The China version of Realme 13+ has also been seen on the TENAA certification website which confirms it will be powered by Dimensity 7300 chipset with 6GB RAM. It is expected to boast a 6.72-inch FHD+ IPS display and run Android 14.
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The vanilla Realme 13 5G was spotted on Geekbench confirming that it will come with 8GB AM, and run Android 14 out of the box. It scored 784 points in the single-core test and 1760 points in the multi-core test.
Realme teased the launch via social media handle with a caption saying, “Get Ready to level up your game!”
More details will be revealed on the day of the launch.
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