Earlier today, OnePlus India teased the launch of their upcoming TWS earbuds, the Nord Buds 3. The device arrives on September 17, 2024. However, ahead of the launch, renowned Indian tipster Yogesh Brar has got his hands on the device’s specifications and features. Apparently, the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 will ship in two colors: Harmonic Gray and Melodic White.
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OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Specifications (Leaked)
Brar says the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 will feature 12.4mm Titanium drivers. The earbuds should provide deeper bass paired with the new BassWave 2.0 algorithm. They will also support 3D audio, a feature that might work only with OnePlus smartphones. Regarding noise cancelation, the Nord Buds 3 might provide 32dB ANC, which should be enough to drown most environmental noises.
Additional features of the OnePlus Nord Buds 3 include dual pairing, Google Fast Pair with supported devices, and a 94ms low latency mode for gaming enthusiasts. The total music playback time for the device is 43 hours with ANC off. The device could also support fast wired charging that offers up to 11 hours of playback time in just 10 minutes of charging. Last but not least, the device features Bluetooth v5.4 for stable connectivity with smartphones.
The OnePlus Nord Buds 3 could also be the world’s first earbuds to come with TUV Rheinland Battery Health certification. The certification guarantees at least 80% of battery health left after 1,000 charging cycles.
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OnePlus Nord Buds 3 Price And Availability
Although the price isn’t out yet, the earbuds will be available via Amazon from September 17, 2024, at 12 PM.
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