Amazon India launched all-new Echo Dot, Echo Plus and a new Echo companion device – Echo Sub launched in India. All these were announced at the Seattle event. Apart from these, Amazon also announced Echo Show, Echo Input, Echo Auto, Echo Link, and Echo Link Amp. Out of these five, the Echo SHow and Echo input are confirmed for early next year. All these devices are powered by Alexa smart voice assistant. Using assistant, user can adjust bass, treble, and midrange.
Amazon’s New Echo Dot (3rd generation): What’s New?
The 3rd generation Echo Dot claimed to boast off refreshing new fabric finish. As per Amazon claim, it delivers 70 percent better audio performance. The customers won’t have to shell out more for the new Echo Dot as its price is the same as the previous variant. The third generation Echo Dot is offered in three colours —Charcoal, Heather Gray, and Sandstone.
Just like the previous gen Echo Dot, the gen Amazon smart speaker can be connected with Bluetooth or a 3.5mm cable.
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Amazon’s New Echo Dot India Price and Availability
The new Echo Dot India price is Rs 4, 499 which is same as the previous generation. It is now available for pre-order in India and it will go on sale next month.
New Echo Plus: What has changed?
According to Amazon, the new Echo Plus is more powerful and can deliver crisp sound than the previous generation. It is new powered by Dolby and has a 3-inch neodymium woofer and a 0.8-inch tweeter. Amazon says the bass is stronger and the sound is clearer on the Echo Plus.
The New Echo Plus house seven-microphones beamforming array, which cancels background noise so it can hear you better.
The New Echo Plus is offered in three colours — Heather, Charcoal Gray, and Sandstone.
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New Echo Plus Price in India and Availability
The new Echo Plus costs Rs. 14,999, which is the same as the previous generation device. Echo Plus is already available for pre-order now and will go on sale in the Amazon Great Indian Festival this October.
Echo Companion Device – Enhance your Experience with Echo Sub
Amazon for the first time announced an Echo Sub which as the name suggest is a sub-woofer that to enhance the audio experience for the user. Since it is a companion device, it has to be paired with a Echo Speaker.
The Echo Sub can be paired with up to 2 Echo speakers to create a 2.1 setup i.e. two speakers, one woofer). As per the company, with Echo speakers, it can deliver room-filling sound. Echo speakers and Echo SUb together get loud enough to fill a room filed with 50-100 people.
Echo Sub Price In India and Availablity
The Echo Sub India price as per launch announcement is Rs 12,999. and its shiping will commence in November. Amazon has announced up to 25 percent discount for those who buy the Echo Sub with two compatible speakers.
The Amazon echo 4th gen devices are by far my fav be it for their design or upgrades. Good one from Amazon and mediatek