Recent leaks suggest that the successor to the Xiaomi’s Mi 5, namely the Mi 6, is in the works. Tipped to be one of the first devices featuring a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, the Mi 6 will come out in two variants if a recent report is anything to go by. As per the report, while one of the variants is set to sport a curved display, the other one will be featuring a flat screen display.
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Rumors are rife that the flat screen variant would be feature 4GB RAM and would be brought out as the Mi 6 while the one having a curved display would hit the market as Mi 6 Pro, a strategy supposedly borrowed from the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.
While both the variants are most likely to feature the Snapdragon 835 processor, the difference is expected to be in their storage capacities (126GB and 256GB respectively).
Other than that, both the models are expected to have standard Xiaomi flagship features such, as a dual camera setup in the back and a front mounted fingerprint sensor. It is being said that the phones would use the latest LPDDR4X memory chip with UFS2.1 standard.
The phones will supposedly pack a 4,000 mAh battery and will have provisions to facilitate Quick Charge 4.0 fast charging services.
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The 4GB variant of the Mi 6 will reportedly cost around $288 (Rs. 19,640) while the 6GB one would be priced around $360 (Rs. 24,500). Speculations put the release date of the phone around the second week of February but nothing can be confirmed until Xiaomi puts out an official word.