last month Smartprix exclusively shared the first look of Samsung Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24 Ultra with you. Now, Renowned tipster Ice Universe has shared his insights into the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S24 series. The tipster’s latest post on X (formally known as twitter)shed light on the design features of the highly anticipated smartphone.
According to Ice Universe, the Galaxy S24 boasts symmetrical bezels across its display, a design element likely to be appreciated by users. Furthermore, the punch-hole camera has undergone a transformation, becoming smaller in size and shifting slightly downward on the screen.
In Ice Universe’s own words, “S24 Ultra real mobile phone looks great, better than I expected. The black bezel is symmetrical, and the Hole has also changed. It has become smaller and moved down a little. Every man will like this design.”
The tipster also disclosed the expected color options for the Galaxy S24 series, which include black, gray, violet, yellow, green, blue, and orange. These color choices offer a wide range of personalization for users, with the possibility of additional bespoke editions.
Furthermore, the Galaxy S24 Ultra is set to feature a special golden edition with a matching golden frame, adding a touch of luxury to the lineup.
The Galaxy S23 Ultra (review) is currently available in black, green, cream, lavender, graphite, sky blue, lime, and red, while the Galaxy S23 and S23+ models are offered in black, cream, green, lavender, graphite, and lime. It’s important to note that specific color availability may vary depending on regional market constraints.
As anticipation continues to build for the Galaxy S24 series, Ice Universe’s insights provide a glimpse into the smartphone’s design elements, setting the stage for its official release.