Google has already sold over 30 Million Chromecast units and thus talking about the first generation Chomecast seems pointless at this point in time. However, since about two third of the total Chromecasts out there are First generation model, the issue which many of you might be facing, especially in this part of the world, needs to be addressed.
If you have been trying to set-up your Chromecast but are being harassed by a “we weren’t able to discover your Chromecast on the network. This may require a small change to your WiFi router settings” message on the Google Cast App; there is a possible solution.
Google Help will suggest that you disable the guest mode, check for AP isolation or check if UPnP is disabled on your router.
Well, you can do all that later.
But First, try using your Laptop for the setup. Don’t use the Android App.
Here is what you need to do:
Step 1: Download Google Cast extension on your Google Chrome browser
Step 2: Right click the Extension and select “Options”
Step 3: Select “Set up a new Cast device”
This should help with setting up your Chromecast in the first attempt.
Thank you! This worked!