Tata Motors has launched the all-new Max Dark Edition of the Tata Nexon EV in India. The new EV comes with updates to the interior as well as the exterior and the price of the EV starts at around 19 lakh rupees. It is a part of the compact SUV’s variant line-up in the country and although it has come a little late, it claims to do its part.
Tata Nexon EV Max Dark Edition: Price
The new Tata Nexon EV Max Dark Edition comes in the following variants-
- Tata Nexon EV Max Dark Edition XZ+LUX- Rs. 19.04 lakh (ex-showroom, pan-India)
- Tata Nexon EV Max Dark Edition XZ+LUX with a 7.2kW AC Fast charger- Rs. 19.54 lakh (Ex-showroom, pan India)
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Tata Nexon EV Max Dark Edition: Features & upgrades
Talking about the exterior, the Nexon EV Max Dark Edition comes in a Midnight Black color with Charcoal Grey colored alloy wheels and projector headlamps with tri-arrow DRLs. Other exterior changes include tri-arrow LED tail lamps, satin black humanity line, shark fin antenna, roof rails, and Dark badging to the fender.
It comes with safety features along with a top-spec engine model. The biggest upgrade is the 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system by Harman. Some more new features are a rearview camera, HD Display, voice assistant in 6 regional languages, wireless Android Auto, Apple Carplay, and a new user interface.
The cabin is flanked by a jeweled control knob, Dark themed leatherette door trims, and seat upholstery with EV blue highlight stitches, a glossy piano black dashboard with a tri-arrow pattern, and a leather-wrapped steering wheel with EV blue stitches.
The Dark Edition comes loaded with features like an Electronic Parking Brake with auto hold, front leatherette ventilated seats, air purifier with AQI Display, wireless smartphone charger, cruise control, auto-dimming IRVM, electronic sunroof, and auto headlamps. There is a rain sensing wiper, cooled glovebox, automatic temperature control, rear AC vents, smart key with Push Button start/stop, electrically operated ORVMS with auto fold, rear wiper washer, and defogger and a 7-inch TFT digital instrument cluster with a full graphic display.
“The Nexon EV is India’s #1 EV and in a short span has been loved and trusted by over 50,000 customers, making it the flagbearer, of India’s EV evolution. With the success of the #DARK and the popularity of the Nexon EV Max, we felt it was the right time to marry the two and present to our customers this new avatar that moves #DARK to MAX,” says Vivek Srivastava, Head, Marketing, Sales & Service Strategy, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Limited.
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