Realme has announced the next Pro Number Series in India. The Realme 13 Pro Series including Realme 13 Pro and Realme 13 Pro Plus 5G has launched in the country. Alongside the pro number series, Realme has also dropped two new IoT products- Realme Watch S2 with AI and Realme Buds T310 which is the successor to Realme Buds T110. To know about the price, specs, and availability details of these two new IoT devices, read on.
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Realme Watch S2 & Realme Buds T310: Price & Availability
Realme Watch S2 comes in three colors- Midnight Black, Ocean Silver, and Metallic Grey. Out of these, the Midnight black and Ocean silver will be available for Rs. 4499 while the metallic grey will cost Rs. 4999. The price includes caseh benefits of Rs. 500. First sale will take place on 5th August, 12 Noon via Flipkart,, and offline stores.
Realme Buds T310 comes in Vibrant Black, Agile White, and Monet Purple shades. It is priced at Rs. 2499 but will be available for a discounted price of Rs. 2199 during the first sale. The first sale will take place on 5th August, 12 Noon via Flipkart,, and stores near you.
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Realme Watch S2: Features
Realme Watch S2 comes with a stainless steel textured body with a removable wrist strap. The watch features a 1.43-inch AMOLED panel with 600 nits brightness and 150+ cloud watch faces. It is the first smartwatch with a Super AI Engine that includes features like AI Voice Assistant, and Smartwatch Face Engine.
Health monitoring features include heart rate, blood oxygen, 24-hour sleep, female health, and daily activities. There are 110+ sports modes and under the hood is a 380mAh battery with customizable 20-day battery life.
Additional features include Bluetooth calling, 4GB storage, music controls, remote camera shutter, and more. It comes with support for the Realme Link app and is IP68-rated for dust and water resistance. The Realme Watch S2 weighs 41 grams without the strap and comes in black, silver, and grey colors.
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Realme Buds T310: Features
Realme Buds T310 features a lightweight in-ear design with 12.4mm dynamic bass drivers. It offers 360-degree spatial audio effects along with dynamic sound effects and 6-mic noise cancellation for calls. The buds offer 46dB Active Noise Cancellation with adjustable three-level noise reduction and AI Deep call noise reduction. It supports touch controls and dual device connection.
Connectivity features include Bluetooth 5.4, and audio codecs AAC and SBC. There is a game mode with an ultra-low latency of 45ms. The case offers a battery life of 40 hours and quick charging allows 5 hours playback with 10 minutes charge. The buds are IP55-rated for water and dust resistance and come in Purple, Black, and White colors.
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