Leading chip manufacturer Qualcomm has confirmed that it will host an India-centric event on July 30th. The ‘Snapdragon For India’ Event will take place in Delhi wherein some major announcements are expected. While one of these will be a mobile SoC, the other one is expected to be a Snapdragon X-Series of processors for Copilot+ Windows PCs. Qualcomm has hinted about these two announcements via its Snapdragon India official page on X. The day is also being called historic for the Indian market.
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Snapdragon Mobile SoC for the Indian Market
The chipmaker is all set to announce a mobile chip for the Indian market. The Snapdragon India page has posted two times about this upcoming made-for-India SoC. It will be exclusively designed and engineered for India and will prove to be a revolutionary platform that will usher millions of Indians into the 5G era. It is expected to be one of the biggest budget 5G chipsets for smartphones.
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Snapdragon X Elite, and X Plus Processors might arrive
Qualcomm has also hinted towards launching Copilot+ PCs powered by Snapdragon X Series. The processors will have speed, performance, connectivity, battery life, and AI Features as its highlights so the laptops/PCs powered by these are claimed to give a better than before performance.
Qualcomm might announce the Snapdragon X Elite flagship processor along with the Snapdragon X Plus (slightly less powerful but loaded with AI and connectivity options) processor during the on-ground Delhi event. Official specs of the processors will be announced during the event.
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Although Copilot+ processors haven’t come to India officially, leading laptop brands have confirmed their Copilot+ PCs for the country. These include-
- Acer Swift 14 AI
- Dell Lattitude 14 Plus
- Dell Lattitude 7455
- Dell XPS 13 (launched)
- ThinkPad T14s Gen 6
- Samsung Galaxy Book4 Edge
- Lenovo Yoga Slim 7x
- HP OmniBook X14 (pre-bookings open)
- HP EliteBook Ultra G1q (pre-bookings open)
- Microsoft Surface Pro 11th Edition (launched)
- Microsoft Surface Laptop 7th Edition (launched)
- Asus Vivobook S15 OLED (launched)
While some of these have already been launched, others are yet to arrive in India officially. The brands might be waiting for Qualcomm to officially roll out CoPilot+ processors so that they can start making official announcements.
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