Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali will now cater to telecom needs as well. The consumer goods brand launched its Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM cards in collaboration with state-owned BSNL network in the country. Initially, the services will only be limited to Patanjali employee and office bearers.
The users can recharge their Swadeshi SIM cards with Rs. 144 to get unlimited calls, 2GB of data and 100 SMSes. Ramdev is also offering several other benefits to users who subscribe to the Patanjali SIM cards services. There is no information on when the SIMs will be available publicly, as of now.
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Patanjali Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM features:
- It’s a prepaid service.
- SIM users can avail up to 10 per cent discount on Patanjali products.
- The Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM also offers health, accidental and life insurances to the customers.
- Patanjali claims that the SIM card comes with the medical insurance covers of Rs 2.5 lakh and life insurance cover of Rs. 5 lakh.
- The Swadeshi Samriddhi SIM cards will be available across five lakh counters of BSNL.
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Speaking at the launch event, Ramdev said government-owned BSNL is a ‘Swadeshi network’ and the motive of both Patanjali and BSNL is the welfare of the country. He also said that the company’s motive is “prosperity for charity”, and even announced insurance cover for every Swadeshi SIM user.
Speaking on Patanjali and BSNL’s partnership, Sunil Garg, BSNL Chief General Manager said, “Patanjali’s plan is BSNL’s best plan. In Rs 144, one can make unlimited calls from any part of the country. We are giving 2 GB data pack, 100 SMSs (valid for 28 days). The members of the Patanjali have to just show their identity and there SIM will be activated soon after some paperwork.”
Swadeshi Samriddhi Card is part of initiative to promote digital transactions, the sim card can be used as a debit card at Patanjali stores, hospitals, and wellness centres.