On Monday, October 16, Intel launched the new Intel Core 14th Generation desktop processor family. The lineup is led by an Intel Core i9-14900K processor that offers up to 24 cores and 32 threads. The second most powerful processor in the lineup is the Intel Core i7 14700K processor with 20 cores and 28 threads. Further, select desktop CPUs get the new AI Assist feature, enabling users to overlock their processors in one click. Here’s everything you need to know about the Intel Core 14th Generation processors.
Intel Core 14th Generation Processors Overview
The latest generation of CPUs from Intel provides up to 23 percent improved gaming performance and AI-guided overclocking with support for DDR5 XMP speeds well beyond 8,000 megatransfers/second. Further, the processor family comes integrated with Wi-Fi 6/6E and Bluetooth v5.3 and provides discrete support for Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth v5.4. Per the official press release, the Intel Core 14th Generation processors will be available at retail outlets via OEM partner systems from October 17, 2023.
Intel Core i9K And i9KF Specifications
The new lineup consists of six unlocked desktop processors at launch. At the top of the stack is the Core i9-14900K, which Intel touts as the “world’s fastest desktop processor with 6 GHz speeds right out of the box.” This chipset is for professional gamers or creators who need the extra power to play and stream the latest video games in the highest settings or edit a 4K 60fps video in no time.
The processors offer 24 cores: eight power and 16 efficiency cores. At the same time, the total number of processing threads is 32. The chipset features a 36MB Smart Cache (L3) and 32MB Total L2 Cache. With the Intel Core i9, users get Intel UHD Graphics 770 (with a Graphics Dynamic Frequency of 1650 MHz), while the Intel Core i9KF doesn’t feature an integrated GPU.
Intel Core i7K And i7KF Specifications
The Intel Core i7K and i7KF support a max turbo frequency of 5.6 GHz. It offers 20 processor cores: eight power cores and 12 efficiency cores. The processing threads stand at 28. Regarding the smart and total cache size, the processor provides 33 and 28MB, respectively. Additionally, users get the same integrated graphics processor as the Intel Core i9 on the Intel Core i7K, but with a lower Graphics Dynamic Frequency of 1600 MHz.
Intel Core i5K And i5KF Specifications
The Intel Core i5K and i5KF feature a max clocking speed of up to 5.3 GHz. It has 14 processor cores: six power and eight efficiency cores. Since this is a mid-range processor, the total processing threads remain 20, while the smart and L2 cache size is 24 and 20MB, respectively. The Intel UHD Graphics 770 processor, which users get with the i5K variant, is clocked at 1,550 MHz.
Talking about the new AI Assist feature, it uses machine learning to make overclocking easier for everyone. Thanks to Extreme Tuning Utility, AI Assist probes the system to understand the current workload, how it is performing, and based on the data, the feature proposes overclocking values to the user. Compared to Intel Speed Optimizer, AI Assist learns from different systems, their configurations, and available resources, processes the data, and then recommends personalized overclocking values suitable to the user.
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