India’s own homegrown brand boAt is known for the quality of its audio products but is sometimes called out for being pricey. Now, to make its mark in the highly competitive audio market in the country, boAt has launched a new pair of headphones priced under Rs. 3000. The all-new boAt Rockerz 551 ANC wireless headphones have been launched in India that comes with top-of-the-line specs and competitive pricing.
boAt Rockerz 551 ANC: Price & Availability
The boAt Rockerz 551 ANC Headphones are priced at Rs. 2999 and are available for buying via Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra, and boAt’s own lifestyle app. It comes in Stellar Black and Sage Green colorways.
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boAt Rockerz 551 ANC: Features
As the name suggests, the boAt Rockerz 551 ANC headphones come with hybrid Active Noise Cancellation of up to 35dB to avoid background sounds when they can be a hindrance. The headphones are equipped with 40mm drivers along with the boAt Signature Sound for deeper bass.
The ENx tech allows smoother and clearer calling while you are wearing the headphones and the hybrid nature of ANC comes into play with the Ambient mode. This mode allows you to let in the background sounds when you need them. The headphones also support custom-tuned EQ modes- Signature and Balanced to get the output of your choice.
The boAt Rockerz 551 ANC claim to have a playback time of up to 100 hours and come with fast charging support to get 10 hours of listening with 10 minutes charge. USB Type-C charger is present for charging while the headphones also come with a Quick Switch button to easily pause and play songs. The headphones are compatible with Android and ios devices and enable access to Google Assistant or Siri.
The headphones can be adjusted as per all head sizes and have a sweat-resistant headband cushion for better comfort. They have a sleek matte finish and cost under 3k, which might allow them to give tough competition to the headphones in the market.
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