On Thursday, the Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp announced a multi-account login feature. It will enable users to have two WhatsApp accounts logged in simultaneously. The platform has been working on this feature for a long time. In the near future, Android users can use this feature to switch between WhatsApp accounts seamlessly.
Keep Two WhatsApp Accounts Logged In At The Same Time
Mark Zuckerberg took to his official Facebook account to announce the feature, writing, “Soon, you’ll be able to have two WhatsApp accounts on one phone within the app.” However, the screen he shared is from the app’s Android version, indicating that the feature will be available on Android (gradual rollout in the coming weeks). However, WhatsApp usually provides such features on Android and iOS; hence, multi-account login will likely arrive on the app’s iOS version pretty soon.
Several WhatsApp users prefer to maintain two accounts: one for work and one for personal chats. However, such users had to download a cloning app on Android or set up a WhatsApp Business account on iOS. This is where the multi-account login feature comes in – it allows users to switch between two WhatsApp accounts within a few taps. Users need a separate phone number (with a SIM card) or a phone with multiple SIMs installed to set up the features. The app will verify the second number through a one-time password.
How To Setup WhatsApp Multi-Account Login?
Open the Settings section in WhatsApp, tap the arrow next to the name, and then hit “Add account.” Now, enter the new number, verify it using the one-time password, and that’s it.
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