After launching their tablet last month, Indian internet of things startup Smartron has unveiled its by the hands of Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar who also holds certain stake in the company. The phone is powered by tron ecosystem,as Smartron also stated at T.Book launch last month. It has been priced at Rs. 22,999 and will go on sale on Smartron’s tstore and on Gadget360. The comes in Orange, Silver, Blue and Violet colors.
The comes packed with a 5.5-inch AMOLED display with 1080 x 1920 pixels and 401ppi pixel destiny. Display also wears Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It is powered by a 64-bit octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 chipset where four ARM A53 are ticking at 1.5GHz and remaining 4 ARM A57 are clocked at 2.0 GHz. 4GB of LPDDR4RAM and Adreno 430 is paired with Snapdragon 810. For those who are more inclined towards mobile photography, comes packed with 13-Megapixel primary sensor with 6-elements lens, zero shutter lag, F/2.0 aperture and PDAF autofocus. Selfie lovers can capture self-portraits using 4-megapixel unit with 2µm pixel size.
Smartron has 64GB onboard storage alongside a hybrid SIM slot which can be used to further add more gigs of media storage. Company is also offering unlimited cloud storage in the form of The 7mm slim smartphone is backed by a 3000mAh battery. It runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow based OS. Under connectivity options list it includes Hybrid Dual SIM, Fast charging 2.0, USB Type-C and VoLTE support.
Smartron TPhone Specifications and Features
Model | Smartron tphone |
Display | 5.5-Inch, Super AMOLED Display, 1080p Full HD resolution |
Processor | 2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 |
Internal Storage | 64GB, microSD slot, Unlimited storage |
Software | Android 6.0 Marshmallow |
Primary Camera | 13MP |
Secondary Camera | 5MP |
Battery | 3000 mAh with Quick Charge 2.0 |
Others | 4G Dual SIM LTE, Type-C |
Price | 22,999 INR |