OnePlus rewrote its success story with the recent launch of OnePlus 3, picking up the pieces after the OnePlus 2 debacle. The OP3 received rave reviews from the industry experts and was well applauded by customers. On August 23, One Plus posted a video teaser on YouTube and social media with a mischievous “Coming Soon” caption suggesting that OnePlus is planning to launch something new. The video says “Tune in on 25-08-2016” which suggest something is coming up today.
As of now, there hasn’t been any official communication from the company but going by the teaser video, it suggests OnePlus is planning to introduce an audio accessory, probably a new set of USB Type-C ear buds. This upcoming ear-bud might we the reason why the OnePlus 3 outputs audio from its USB type C port along with 3.5mm jack (The LeMax CDLA Headphones work fine with OP3).
If it turns out to be true, it won’t be a wrong move as more and more smartphone manufacturers are slowly started to adopt USB Type-C standard and rest of them are likely to join the bandwagon. LeEco has already jumped ships, and rumors has it that Apple in its upcoming iPhone 7, is going to dump the 3.5mm audio jack and rely on a single Lightning port to power the earbuds.
We have to wait and watch to know the reaction of OnePlus fans. Going by what we have seen in the past, it won’t surprise us if the new headphones too sell out like hot cakes. Let us know what do you think about it in the comments below.