Lenovo has targeted first-time PC buyers in India with the launch of Ideapad 110 which starts at Rs. 20,490 onwards. Lenovo has also bundled in a 3-year extended warranty and free Accident Damage Protection Cover worth Rs. 599 to make it a lucrative deal for the Students. It will be available in an Ebony Black color variant in all retail stores across India till July 31. Students can also avail EMI scheme on select models of Ideapad 110.
Lenovo is offering an option to configure their laptop between Intel’s dual-core Celeron processor or Pentium Quad Core Processors. The laptop comes with 4GB RAM and up to 1TB SSD storage. on the software front, It runs on Microsoft’s Windows 10. The latest Ideapad series laptop features a 15.6-inch HD IPS display with 1366 x 768 pixels a resolution. The can be tilted up to 180 degrees and offers wide viewing angles. It includes connectivity features like Bluetooth 4.1, a DVD/CD-RW drive,WiFi 802.11 ac, USB 3.0 and HDMI.
Commenting on the launch, Bhaskar Choudhuri Director, Marketing Lenovo India said, “Ideapad 110 is a value laptop with features users need, but without a high price tag. Its dependable processing power, good memory, ample storage, attractive display, and integrated graphics makes it one of the best entry-level laptops for the college goers and young working professionals.”
Lenovo Ideapad 110 Specification and Features:
Model | Lenovo Ideapad 110 |
Display | 15.6-Inch IPS HD Display (1366 x 768) |
Processor |
Upto Pentium Quad Core Processors |
Graphics | Integrated graphics |
Internal Storage | Up to 1TB SSD |
RAM | 4GB DDR3 RAM ( expandable up to 8GB) |
Camera | Web Camera with microphone |
Battery | 3 Cells – 24WHr; Up to 4 Hours Video Playback |
Others | USB 3.0, HDMI, Wi-Fi 802.11 ac, Bluetooth 4.1 |
Price | Starting from INR 20,490/- up to INR 24,990/- |