Recently, Google announced an exclusive launch event for its Pixel portfolio of devices. Usually, the company holds the launch event in October. However, this year, the Pixel launch event will take place in August, which is slightly surprising, as it looks like an attempt to prepone the product cycle and capture the market. While we’re almost sure that the company will unveil the Pixel 9 series and the Pixel Fold 2, there are a few devices that might make a surprise appearance at the event.
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Pixel Buds 2 Pro Spotted By Reddit User
Most recently, a Reddit user (u/Living_Series8400) spotted a case for the purported Pixel Buds Pro 2 while looking for a Spigen case for the Pixel Buds. Usually, the companies that manufacture accessories get access to a product’s schematics way before it arrives in the market. This is how buyers can get third-party covers, cases, screen guards, camera protectors, and other accessories for their gadgets. However, sometimes, the design or the product images of the accessory surfaces before the product itself.
Amazon Listing Reveals Design Of The Upcoming Earbuds
In this case, the accessory manufacturer in question is Spigen, and the accessory’s name happens to be “Spigen Ultra Hybrid Case.” For those wondering, the Reddit user spotted the product on Amazon UK; an image of the listing is also available, wherein the price of the accessory is mentioned as GBP 15.99. The user also mentions that the product in question is compatible with both the Pixel Buds Pro and the upcoming Pixel Buds 2 Pro. In other words, the forthcoming accessory could carry the same design and dimensions as the original earbuds from Google.
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However, what’s worth mentioning is that the top oval portion of the earbuds, which houses the touch-based controls, looks taller. Further, the pill-shaped grill (on each earbud) appears larger than before. The screengrab of the Amazon listing not only reveals the moniker for Google’s next-generation TWS but also features the device in a bright pink color. According to several reports, this could be the Raspberry or the Peony color that surfaced previously.
Pixel Buds 2 Pro’s Charging Case Could Feature A Speaker
While the screengrab didn’t reveal many details, it does showcase a mysterious cutout beside the USB-C port. Since there’s already a clip holder in place, the new cutout could be for a speaker grill that helps users locate the device when it is lost (similar to the one on the AirPods Pro 2nd Generation). As always, this happens to be a leak from a Reddit user, and like any other leak, it could either be true or false. Google hasn’t confirmed the details, nor the existence of the Pixel Buds 2 Pro. Hence, readers should take it with a pinch of salt.
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