Just a week ahead of Qualcomm’s major pre-IFA Berlin launch, details about the forthcoming Snapdragon X Plus chipset have emerged. Qualcomm initially ventured into the PC chipset space with the launch of the Qualcomm Snapdragon X lineup. While the X Elite and X Plus were primarily seen in premium laptops, Qualcomm is now preparing to launch more budget-friendly options.
Prolific leaker Evan Blass has revealed details about a less expensive Snapdragon X Plus chipset that will soon be found in laptops priced around $800. This new 8-core Snapdragon X Plus processor is reportedly called the X1P-42-100 and will come with built-in support for Microsoft CoPilot+. Reports suggest this new X Plus chip will offer a single-core boost of 3.4GHz and a multi-core boost of 3.2GHz.
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The leaked product marketing image indicates that, in addition to the reduced CPU core count and clock speeds, the new X Plus chip will also feature a scaled-down Adreno GPU rated at 1.7 TFLOPS (compared to 3.8 TFLOPS on the 10-core X Plus CPU), LPDDR5X RAM with a 30MB total cache (compared to 42MB on the 10-core X Plus model), and support for triple external monitors at UHD resolution and 60Hz (instead of 4K at 120Hz).
Furthermore, the chip will likely be manufactured by TSMC on a 4nm platform, with support for 5G, WiFi 7, Snapdragon premium audio, and an ISP.
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We still don’t know which laptops will come with the new 8-core Snapdragon X Plus chipset, but details about them might be revealed during the livestream scheduled for September 4.
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